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9:00~12:30 |
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14:00~17:00 |
昨年の感染者数が過去最高を記録した梅毒を今回は取り上げます。梅毒は、梅毒トレポネーマ(Treponema pallidum)という細菌によって引き起こされる性感染症(STI)です。主に性行為や母子感染によって感染します。進行すると全身にさまざまな症状が現れ、放置すると重篤な合併症を引き起こしますが、早期の治療で完治が可能です。かの『鬼滅の刃』の遊郭編で出てくる鬼(上弦の陸)・堕姫、人間の頃の名前は「梅」でした。亡くなった母の病名から名付けられたと、作中で触れられていました。世紀の大発見と言われるペニシリンが開発されるまでは、梅毒は不治の病だったのです。そして、その世界初の抗菌薬ペニシリンは、梅毒の治療においては今でも特効薬です。
Please scroll down for the explanation in English.
◆ 原因
原因菌:梅毒トレポネーマ(Treponema pallidum)
◆ 症状
第4期(感染後10年以上) ※現代ではほぼ見られません
◆ 検査
◆ 治療
ベンジルペニシリンG 筋肉注射(商品名:ステルイズ)
◆ 自費検査の案内
1. 初診料・再診料
2. 検査費用
・梅毒(RPR + TPHA)単独:4,000円
・性感染症採血セット 梅毒(RPR + TPHA) + B型肝炎(HBs抗原検査) + HIV(第4世代抗原抗体検査):10,000円
3. 治療費
・べンジルペニシリンG 筋肉注射(商品名:ステルイズ):15,000円
◆ 最後に
梅毒は、早期発見・早期治療で完全に治癒できる感染症です。 症状が出ていなくても、不安がある方やリスクのある行動をした方は、早めの検査をおすすめします。当院では、プライバシーに配慮した検査・治療体制を整えております。安心してご相談ください。
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It is primarily transmitted through sexual contact or from mother to child during pregnancy. As the disease progresses, various symptoms can appear throughout the body, and if left untreated, it can lead to severe complications. However, early treatment can completely cure the infection. The number of syphilis cases has been on the rise, with the highest number of infections recorded last year.
◆ Causes
Causative Bacterium: Treponema pallidum
Transmission Routes:
・Sexual contact (vaginal, oral, anal) through minor skin or mucosal injuries
・Mother-to-child transmission (through the placenta during pregnancy)
・Very rarely, through blood transfusions or needle-stick injuries
◆ Symptoms
Primary Stage (About 3 weeks to 3 months after infection):
・Painless sore (chancre) appears at the infection site (genitals, mouth, anus)
・Swollen lymph nodes in the groin (painless)
・Lesions heal naturally, but the bacteria remain in the body
Secondary Stage (3 months to less than 3 years after infection):
・Widespread reddish-brown rash (roseola), especially on the palms and soles
・Fever, fatigue
・Patchy hair loss, moist wart-like lesions (condyloma lata)
・Mucous patches (white spots or ulcers in the mouth and genitals)
・Symptoms disappear naturally, but the bacteria remain in the body
Latent Syphilis:
No symptoms, but the bacteria persist in the body for years or even decades
Tertiary Stage (3 to 10 years after infection):
・Formation of soft, tumor-like lesions (gummas) on the skin or organs
Quaternary Stage (Over 10 years after infection, now extremely rare):
・Cardiovascular syphilis (aortic aneurysm, arteritis)
・Tabes dorsalis (ataxia, sensory impairment, urinary disorders)
Neurosyphilis (Can occur at any stage):
・Dementia, motor dysfunction, psychiatric symptoms
Congenital Syphilis:
・Transmission from an infected mother to the fetus during pregnancy
・Risks of miscarriage, stillbirth, or low birth weight
・Bone deformities and skin lesions may appear after birth
◆ Testing
Blood Test:
Depending on the time since possible exposure, both RPR and TPHA tests are performed.
RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin Test):
・Detects antibodies produced in response to infection, not the bacteria itself.
・Can be tested 3 weeks after exposure.
・Useful for monitoring treatment effectiveness, as antibody levels decrease after treatment.
・False positives may occur due to other infections or autoimmune diseases.
TPHA (Treponema pallidum Hemagglutination Assay):
・Detects antibodies specific to Treponema pallidum, making it a highly specific test.
・Becomes positive 4 weeks after exposure.
・Remains positive even after treatment, so it is not suitable for monitoring treatment effectiveness.
◆ Treatment
First-Line Antibiotic:
Benzathine Penicillin G Intramuscular Injection (Stelues)
・Primary/Secondary/Early Latent Syphilis (less than 1 year): Single injection
・Tertiary/Late Latent Syphilis (more than 1 year): Injection once a week for three weeks
・Neurosyphilis: Intravenous Penicillin G Potassium (requires hospitalization)
・Alternative Treatment (for penicillin allergy): Oral doxycycline
Note: Watch for the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (fever, headache) during early treatment.
◆ Private Testing Information
We offer private testing for asymptomatic individuals or those seeking routine STI screenings.
1. Initial/Follow-up Consultation Fees:
Initial consultation: 3,000 JPY
Follow-up consultation: 1,000 JPY
2. Testing Fees:
Syphilis test (RPR + TPHA): 4,000 JPY
STI blood test package (Syphilis + Hepatitis B + HIV): 10,000 JPY
3. Treatment Fees:
If diagnosed with syphilis, treatment is covered by health insurance. For those without health insurance, the following fees apply:
Benzathine Penicillin G injection (Stelues): 15,000 JPY
Oral medication prescription: Additional 700 JPY prescription fee
◆ Final Note
Syphilis is a completely curable infection with early detection and treatment. Even without symptoms, those with concerns or potential exposure are encouraged to get tested. Our clinic ensures privacy-conscious testing and treatment. Please feel free to consult us with any concerns.
(Reference: Our clinic’s Instagram)