埼玉県川口市並木3-1-8 MAP
JR京浜東北線 西川口駅東口 徒歩2分
9:00~12:30 丸 丸 丸 丸 丸 三角
14:00~17:00 丸 丸 スラッシュ 丸 丸 スラッシュ スラッシュ
2025/02/14 泌尿器科医の視点


Please scroll down for the explanation in English.






◆ 尿路系(非糸球体性)血尿
















かつては原因不明とされていましたが、近年の尿管鏡技術の発達により、腎乳頭の細い血管が破綻して出血していることが明らかになりました。海外では「chronic unilateral hematuria(慢性片側性血尿)」と呼ばれますが、日本では依然として「特発性腎出血」とされています。特に運動後に無症候性の肉眼的血尿が増悪しやすく、若い人にも多いのが特徴です。診断には膀胱鏡でどちらの尿管口から血尿が出ているかを確認し、その後、尿管鏡とレーザーを用いて止血を行います。



◆ 糸球体性血尿





◆ 最後に






Hematuria refers to the presence of red blood cells in the urine. It is classified into “gross hematuria”, where the urine appears visibly red, and “microscopic hematuria”, which can only be detected under a microscope. Additionally, “urinary occult blood” is a simple test using test strips to check for the presence of hemoglobin in urine. However, in some cases, occult blood tests may be positive even when red blood cells are not detected, which means it is not strictly considered hematuria. This may be due to hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria, which originates from muscle tissue.


To properly evaluate hematuria, midstream urine collection is the standard method. The causes of hematuria are diverse but can be broadly classified into “urinary tract (non-glomerular)” and “glomerular” origins. This article summarizes diseases that can cause hematuria. While treatments for each condition are briefly mentioned, they will be discussed in detail on another occasion.


◆ Urinary Tract (Non-Glomerular) Hematuria


The urinary tract refers to the pathway through which urine, produced by the kidneys, is excreted from the body. The correct term is non-glomerular hematuria, but for clarity, we will refer to it as urinary tract hematuria. This type of hematuria originates from abnormalities in the urinary tract, including the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, prostate, and urethra. The characteristic feature is bright red to dark red urine, often more pronounced at the beginning (initial hematuria) or end (terminal hematuria) of urination. Occasionally, blood clots may be present.


・Urinary Tract Infections (Cystitis, Prostatitis, Pyelonephritis)

The most common cause of hematuria is cystitis (bladder infection). It is often accompanied by urinary frequency, dysuria (pain during urination), residual urine sensation, and fever. In addition to hematuria, cloudy urine is also observed, making diagnosis relatively straightforward. Treatment involves antibiotic therapy.


・Urothelial Carcinoma

Bladder cancer, ureteral cancer, and renal pelvic cancer are collectively called urothelial carcinoma. It is more common in men, and a history of smoking is a significant risk factor. If gross hematuria occurs without urinary symptoms like those seen in cystitis, urothelial cancer should be suspected. Diagnostic tests include ultrasound, urine cytology, and cystoscopy for direct visualization of the bladder. If renal pelvic or ureteral cancer is suspected, CT scans are typically performed. For bladder cancer, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT) is the initial treatment, and depending on the depth of invasion, additional curative surgery may be considered. In cases of renal pelvic or ureteral cancer, the standard treatment is nephroureterectomy (removal of the kidney and ureter).



・Prostate Disorders (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer)

An enlarged prostate has a fragile surface prone to bleeding. In most cases, the bleeding stops naturally. Prostate cancer is usually asymptomatic, but if it causes hematuria, it may indicate advanced disease. Diagnosis involves ultrasound and PSA testing, as previously discussed. Additional MRI scans may be performed if needed. For recurrent bleeding due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), medication or transurethral surgery may be considered. Prostate cancer treatment depends on the stage, including surgery, radiation therapy, or hormone therapy, either alone or in combination.




Urolithiasis refers to renal stones, ureteral stones, and bladder stones. Ureteral stones often cause severe pain radiating from the back to the lower abdomen, known as renal colic. Renal stones are often asymptomatic, while bladder stones may cause pain during urination or lower abdominal pain. Small stones may pass naturally, but if they do not or are too large, shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) or ureteroscopic lithotripsy (URS) may be considered.


・Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)

In its early stages, renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) is often asymptomatic. If hematuria is present, the tumor is likely to be relatively large. Diagnosis requires ultrasound, CT, and MRI for detailed evaluation. The standard treatment for non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma is either radical nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy.


・Idiopathic Renal Hemorrhage

Previously considered of unknown cause, recent advancements in ureteroscopy have revealed that hematuria often results from ruptured small blood vessels in the renal papilla. While internationally referred to as “chronic unilateral hematuria,” it is still commonly called “idiopathic renal hemorrhage” in Japan. This condition is more common in young individuals and often worsens after exercise. Diagnosis involves cystoscopy to identify the affected ureteral opening (ureteral orifice), followed by ureteroscopy and laser treatment for hemostasis.



◆ Glomerular Hematuria


Glomerular hematuria occurs due to abnormalities in the glomeruli of the kidneys, allowing red blood cells to leak into the urine. The urine appears brownish-red or cola-colored, and due to glomerular damage, dysmorphic red blood cells and red blood cell casts are often seen in the urine. Proteinuria is also frequently present.


Common causes include IgA nephropathy and acute glomerulonephritis. IgA nephropathy often manifests after upper respiratory tract infections (such as colds or tonsillitis), making hematuria more likely to occur. A kidney biopsy may be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Acute glomerulonephritis, often caused by streptococcal infections (such as tonsillitis), presents with cola-colored hematuria, swelling (edema), and high blood pressure. Other causes of glomerular hematuria include autoimmune diseases, vasculitis, and genetic kidney disorders (such as Alport syndrome).



◆ Final Note

If you experience gross hematuria or are diagnosed with urinary occult blood, you may wonder which specialist to see. Non-glomerular (urinary tract) hematuria is the domain of urologists, while glomerular hematuria is handled by nephrologists. If a referral can be arranged, visiting either a urologist or a general physician initially is acceptable. However, if gross hematuria is present, there is a possibility of urinary tract malignancies, so early consultation with a specialist is highly recommended.


We also explain hematuria on our Instagram with easy-to-understand illustrations. Please take a look! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.